About Us

We are Risk Game players who have spent many years playing Risk and want to encourage the use of games in general. The risk Board Game is a great way to educate people about some of the benefits of games such as teamwork, strategic thinking, tactical thinking, diplomacy and negotiation.

We support contributions and questions made by other people and encourage the submission of the views of other gamers no matter how experienced. Also if you would like to know more about us please feel free to contact us on info@riskboardgames.com

www.riskboardgames.com is a site orientated to educating non-gamers about the various games of Risk. We cannot tell you everything about the games and have provided links to external sites to provide extra information and access to some games.

We encourage the use of these links to further your knowledge of games.


Some of the pages on this site provide links to third party sites that provide products as detailed by that link. In some instances I may receive a commission should you decide to purchase that item or other items from those sites. While I have generally tried to locate lower priced items for these links at the time the page was originally published, you should still satisfy yourself as to the competiveness or otherwise of the price of those products prior to purchase.

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